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Dust Collector Machine

The dust collector machine is an improved new high- efficiency pulse bag filter based on the bag filter

Dust Collector Machine Product features:

After the dusty gas enters the ash hopper of the dust collector, due to the sudden expansion of the air flow section and the effect of the air flow distribution plate, some coarse particles in the air flow settle in the ash hopper under the action of dynamic and inertial forces; After the dust particles with fine particle size and small density enter the dust filter chamber, the dust will be deposited on the surface of the filter material through the combined effects of Brownian diffusion and screening, and the purified gas will enter the gas purification chamber and be discharged by the fan through the exhaust pipe. The resistance of the cartridge dust collector increases with the increase of the thickness of the dust layer on the surface of the filter material, and the dust is automatically cleaned by the pulse back blowing dust cleaning system.

Dust Collector Machine has some features:

1、The dust collector machine is an improved new high- efficiency pulse bag filter based on the bag filter;

2、In order to further improve the pulse bag filter, the modified pulse bag filter retains the advantages of high purification efficiency, large gas processing capacity, stable performance, convenient operation, long filter bag life, and small maintenance workload;

3、In addition, the reform in structure and pulse valve solves the problems of open air installation and low pressure of compressed air source.

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