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What is a Fully Automatic Rice Mill and Why You Need One


Do you want to make rice production easier and faster? If yes, then you may want to consider using a fully automatic rice mill. A fully automatic rice mill is a machine that can perform all the rice processing steps automatically, with high efficiency and quality. It can save you a lot of time, labor and cost, and produce rice that meets the market standards.

In this article, we will explain what a fully automatic rice mill is, how it works, and what are its benefits. We will also tell you where to buy a fully automatic rice mill from a reliable and professional supplier. Let’s get started!

How Does a Fully Automatic Rice Mill Work?

A fully automatic rice mill consists of several machines that work together to process the paddy rice into white rice. The main machines are:

  • Paddy cleaner: This machine removes the impurities, such as stones, dust and straw, from the paddy grains by using air suction and vibrating screens.
  • Paddy de-stoner: This machine separates the stones from the paddy grains by using gravity and air pressure.
  • Paddy husker: This machine removes the husk from the paddy grains by using rubber rollers and air suction.
  • Paddy separator: This machine separates the brown rice from the husk by using gravity and screens.
  • Rice miller: This machine removes the bran layer from the brown rice by using emery rollers and air suction.
  • Rice polisher: This machine polishes the white rice by using water and friction.
  • Rice grader: This machine grades the white rice into different sizes and shapes by using screens and rollers.
  • Rice color sorter: This machine sorts the white rice into different colors by using optical sensors and ejectors.
  • Rice packer: This machine packs the white rice into bags by using weighing scales and sealing devices.

All these machines are controlled by a central controller that monitors and adjusts the parameters of each machine according to the preset program. The whole process is fully automatic and continuous, without any manual intervention.

What are the Benefits of a Fully Automatic Rice Mill?

A fully automatic rice mill has many benefits over manual or semi-automatic methods. Here are some of them:

  • High efficiency: A rice mill can process large quantities of rice in a short time, up to 100 tons per day. This can save a lot of time and labor costs for rice millers and farmers.
  • High quality: A rice mill can produce high quality rice that meets the standards of commercial or export markets. It can also adjust the degree of milling and polishing according to different customer preferences.
  • Low waste: A rice mill can reduce the broken rate of rice kernels and increase the rice milling rate. It can also recycle the husk, bran and broken rice for other uses.
  • Easy operation: A rice mill is designed with user-friendly interface and simple structure. It only requires one or two operators to monitor and control the whole process. It also has self-cleaning and self-maintenance functions, which can reduce the downtime and maintenance costs.

Where to Buy?

If you are interested in buying a fully automatic rice mill, you may wonder where to find a reliable and professional supplier. You can contact us. We have more than 20 years of experience in producing and exporting fully automatic rice mills to various countries. We can offer you customized solutions according to your needs and budget. And we can also provide you with installation, training and maintenance services. We guarantee you the best quality and price of our machines. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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